This interdisciplinary symposium will bring together artists and scholars across the fields of dance, science and technology studies, and women’s studies who are currently working at the intersections of performance, art, and ecology. Through workshops, performances, and open panels we will be examining the relationship between the arts and sciences during what is commonly referred to as ‘The Anthropocene,” meaning the current epoch in which human impact on Earthly geography is undeniable and irreversible. We will grapple with our roles and responsibilities as artists making work in response to our current political-social-ecological climate, specifically by highlighting ways in which science and information are always already choreographic and choreography is always already scientific and informative. This symposium, both in terms of its theoretical underpinnings and aesthetic inquiries, is in dialogue with scholars and artists engaging in current critical discourse between art, science, and feminist theory. Specifically, the areas of interspecies ecologies and care (Donna Haraway), intersections of gender, race, and technology (Lisa Nakamura), choreography as a research method for studying ecological phenomenon (Jennifer Monson), and the absolute necessity of creative efforts in citizen science (Karen Barad). By engaging with local infrastructures and field sites we will interrogate the ways in which art does not only reflect the material world around us, but can also create and/or change it. In doing so we are collectively asking the question: In what ways can we design choreographic/art-making processes and practices that reflect and challenge broader quotidian movement systems, such as urban ecosystems, activism models, systemic inequalities, and interspecies relationships?
All events are free and open to the public.